Many of you will be flying this holiday season to see friends and family. Some may even have an even longer international flight to catch. When you’re planning on catching flights this year, here’s a full proof guide on the carry on essentials for a long flight.
Carry On Essentials For A Long Flight
Living in a world of technology, this is a MUST. Load your laptop with movies or episodes of your favorite tv shows. If you’re taking your ipad, be sure to have your favorite magazines, books, audible books, etc. Load up your phone with music and favorite podcasts. Be sure to pack your headphones!
Catch some z’s
Traveling can be, no scratch that, IS exhausting. Try to get some rest on your flight. Although sleeping on a plane is not the most comfortable napping spot, there are a few things you can pack to make themost of it. Pack an eye mask to get an even better nap on the plane and something support your neck.
Get comfy:
What’s worse than sitting on a plane for hours on end? Sitting on a plane with the most uncomfortable clothes on. Wear loose-fitting clothes that are comfortable, have on comfy socks, and slip on shoes. Another tip, wear a blanket scarf. That way you can easily put it on and off depending on how you feel.
Snacks and water:
HYDRATE HYDRATE HYDRATE! It’s very important to stay hydrated when you’re flying! Easiest way is to pack a reusable water bottle like the Swell Bottles. Be sure to also pack some snacks. Sometimes the tiny snacks provided by the flight does not cut it. Make sure to pack a light snack with me. Whether it’s a bag of chips or a granola bar, pack something that you enjoy to eat and that will give you energy.
Makeup bag:
You don’t need to carry your whole makeup collection on the plane. Instead, carry the bare minimum and the the essentials. Essentials can look different for everyone, but an easy start is to pack a blotting powder with a mirror, mascara, and some Rosebud lip balm.
Hygiene products:
You don’t want to be that girl/guy on a plane who smells funky. Keep face wipes, deodorant, travel size perfume, and moisturizer to use when needed.
With all of those items listed, I use a carry on luggage and a tote purse. The tote has all of my important documentation and easily accessible go to items I need on the plane.
I love all of these great essentials and not just for traveling but everyday! Also the rose gold and gold theme is my favourite! Love this post!??
Rose gold and gold all the way!