At-Home Highlighting Kit for Dark Hair
Bleaching and highlighting your hair is a tricky task to do. This is something I’d only advise only to those who know what they are doing. If you’re someone who’s ready for some change without breaking the bank, using an at-home bleaching kit might be something you’d want to try. Today I wanted to talk about my all-time favorite, at home highlighting kit for dark hair, and tips on highlighting your hair at home.
The Loreal Paris La Petite Frost is one of my all time favorite highlighting and bleaching kits for dark hair. This kit gave my hair that perfect caramel, blond look I want. Since this is a bleaching kit, the dark color will lift and ill create a noticeable contrast within the highlight (when done correctly of course).
Related post: How to Tone Brassy Hair at Home
Tips on How to Bleach Your Hair at Home:
Brush it out
This may sound like common sense, but remember to brush your hair and get rid of any knots and tangles. Also, start off with your hair parted the way you’d normally have it. This kit comes with a cap to help place the bleach on your hair. Make sure to have it parted the way you’d normally wear it prior to putting on the cap.
Highlight on second or third-day hair.
This is because your hair has that extra oil and grit to protect the scalp a little bit more than freshly washed hair.
Start from the bottom
Work from the bottom of your hair and work your way up. Also, focus on the pieces around your face more rather than the back to brighten up your overall look. Apply in small sections rather than all at once, and use foils in between layers to keep them separated.
Use a toner
If you have dark hair, you’re going to need a toner. Toners neutralize the yellow and orange tones on bleached hair. If your hair is starting to look brassy and you don’t have time to book an appointment at the hair salon, follow these steps to tone brassy hair at home.
Don’t forget this step!
Deep condition after bleaching. Remember that bleach will dry out your hair, so it is very important to nourish it.
My favorite At-Home Highlighting Kit for Dark Hair:
Thank you! The highlighting kits are great for balayage, but you have to remember that it is bleach! I’ve experimented and messed up plenty of times before I figured out how to do it myself!
For balayage I recommend someone else do it bc it’s difficult to get all of the pieces and avoiding patchy spots!